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What do I need to fly small rockets?
Generally rocketry is divided into two classes for regulation:

Smaller model rockets (less than 500g total weight and less than 25g propellant) do not need waivers and can be flown in most clear areas (as long as you have permission from the land owner), these are the kind you'd see flown at school ovals or large parks.  Further details can be found at the following links:

You can also fly small rockets with a club which usually has the benefits of larger areas to fly in and launch equipment being provided.
What do I need to fly bigger rockets?
The easiest way to fly larger rockets is to join your local club, who will handle the launch infrastructure, larger areas of land required and the paperwork.

To fly with us you will need to sign up as a member of both WARS and Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA), and come on launch day with your rockets and motors.  To fly H or larger motors you will need to be certified, details can be found on the TRA website on the levels and requirements.
Why do I need to join WARS and TRA?
Western Australian Rocketry Society (WARS) is the local prefecture which handles the on site requirements for launching in WA.  The membership fees go towards maintaining and upgrading the equipment and amenities at the launch sites, web hosting services, as well as food and drink at events.

Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) is a worldwide organisation that provides insurance for flyers as well as certification so that flyers can qualify to use larger motors.  Further details can be found on their website at
Where are WARS launches?
WARS has two launch sites, both on privately owned and active farms.  Precise directions to the launch sites are not publicly posted at the owners request but are emailed to members prior to events.

The regular site is located in Grass Valley, approximately 10km from the townsite.  With flights up to 6000' permitted and a wide recovery area it's a great location to fly.

The second site is located around 15 minutes drive past Williams.  Despite the longer drive and the tall trees that occasionally like to catch rockets it's a well loved launch spot and host to the annual Williams "Wildfire" Westernationals event that combines two days of launches with camping, great food and some fun awards.